Producent stoisk targowych

Event Logistica

exhibition systems

There are many forms of advertising on the market today. Among them we can distinguish the most popular: outdoor and internet, small and large-format, mobile or light. There is a ...
An indispensable element of large events and events are exhibition systems. They should visually look attractive and of high quality. They must be provided with advertising materials, and customers interested ...
Nowadays, each company in a given sector of the economy puts great emphasis on the same assets within its advertising campaigns. Only one winner can leave this race. It usually ...
The ease of information flow that we can enjoy today means that we can be threatened by many rivals that better reach customers. Therefore, ensuring effective promotion is one of ...
A brand that is well perceived by consumers is often worth in itself incomparably more than the products or services behind it. When making purchasing decisions, consumers are usually driven ...
A good, innovative product or professional skills enabling the provision of first-class services are the basis of business success. When we have the necessary foundations, we need to take care ...
Business show events are among the most popular forms of promotion. It is not enough that many interested people visit them - from the point of view of entrepreneurs: potential ...

Area of activities

Frankfurt, Dusseldorf, Munich, Nuremberg, Berlin, Hannover, Stuttgart, Cologne, London, Paris, Barcelona, Milan, Dubai, Monaco, Kazakhstan, Norway, Sweden, Italy

Fair and conference stands