Producent stoisk targowych

Event Logistica

November 2020

Promotion of the company, its products or services plays a significant role in sales. In order for a customer to purchase a good or service, he must first find out about ...
For many companies, promotion is a key activity in acquiring customers. The online showroom is a tool that facilitates the presentation of the offer and engages the audience . Thanks to it, it is possible ...
The decision to buy a product is greatly influenced by how it looks and how it is presented. This is a particularly important issue in the case of online stores, because ...
How to encourage customers to make purchases? How to get them interested in a product or service? How do I get them back again? An effective solution can be virtual stands, which in an ...
What to do in a situation where subsequent trade and service points are subject to stricter restrictions or even have to be closed? More and more companies are moving their sales ...
Online sales and marketing have been developing very dynamically recently. Buyers have higher and higher expectations of online stores, which is why new solutions are needed. These include an interactive website that ...
More and more exhibitors, producers and even shops decide to create their own virtual showroom. It is an extremely attractive way to present your products and services to potential customers. Exhibitors do ...
Due to difficulties in direct trade, it became necessary to find other sales channels. Customers looking for products and services need solutions that will replace traditional purchases. A virtual showroom is a way to ...
Due to restrictions, companies that cannot participate in trade fairs or have experienced a decrease in the number of visits to brick-and-mortar stores, faced the need to find another way ...
The limitations in organizing stationary exhibition fairs forced new solutions in the field of presenting offers. Virtual stands give customers the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the products, and this is not ...

Area of activities

Frankfurt, Dusseldorf, Munich, Nuremberg, Berlin, Hannover, Stuttgart, Cologne, London, Paris, Barcelona, Milan, Dubai, Monaco, Kazakhstan, Norway, Sweden, Italy

Fair and conference stands